Tunis to host 3rd edition of Tunisia Africa Business Meetings (TABM), July 2-3, 2024

The 3rd Tunisia Africa Business Meetings (TABM) will be organised on July 2-3, 2024, at the initiative of the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) and in cooperation with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), CEPEX CEO Mourad Ben Hassine told a press conference in Tunis on Tuesday.

As part of the support for exports to sub-Saharan African countries, this event aims to steer Tunisian exporting companies more towards African markets and to endeavour to better step up trade with sub-Saharan African countries.

This year, almost 2,000 business meetings will be organised, with the participation of 300 Tunisian exporting companies (compared to 200 during the previous edition) and 150 African companies (compared to 80 during the 3rd edition), from 25 African countries, explained Ben Hassine.

These companies operate in nine growth sectors: Agri-food, construction, mechanical and electrical engineering, textiles and clothing, pharmaceuticals, public works, health services, education, training and information

Taking the floor, Project Manager for the Promotion of Export Activities to New Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa (PEMA II) at GIZ Lisa Menucha pointed out that the 2022 event had been a success, based on an evaluation carried out among participants.

According to this evaluation, 67% of African companies out of a total of 84 had signed business contracts with Tunisian companies, she said.

CEPEX intends to organise 74 promotional activities in 2024

With regard to CEPEX’s 2024 export agenda, Ben Hassine underlined that 74 promotional activities will be organised, divided between the organisation of Tunisian participation in trade fairs and shows abroad, delegations of businessmen and professional meetings, as well as prospecting missions and visits by importers to Tunisia.

The 2024 programme includes the organisation of 29 trade events abroad and 45 promotional operations targeting foreign markets.

A total of 560 companies are expected to take part in this year’s promotional activities, targeting
25 markets in Africa (9), the Arab countries (7) and Europe (8).

Six new destinations will be introduced in 2024: the Sultanate of Oman, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Guinea, Senegal and Canada.

In 2023, merchandise export revenues reached almost TND 62 billion, up by TND 4.5 billion (7.9%) on 2022.

The increase in revenue from exports of goods, at a faster rate than imports, will reduce the trade deficit by TND 8.1 billion, to TND 17 billion in 2023, and improve the rate of coverage of imports by exports to 8.9%.

Export revenues from the other export sectors, excluding revenues from energy and lubricating oils, as well as mining, phosphate and its derivatives, rose by 12.5% to TND 55.6 billion.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse