Transitional Legislative Assembly: Three parliamentary commissions of inquiry created

The Transitional Legislative Assembly unanimously adopted this Thursday from its 70 voters, three proposed resolutions creating three parliamentary commissions of inquiry on land, the liabilities of real estate development and the effectiveness of projects and programs financed with external resources in Burkina Faso.

The first parliamentary commission of inquiry concerns rural land management in Burkina Faso. It was worn by MP Jean-Marie Kombasséré.

According to the resolution adopted, the creation of this parliamentary commission of inquiry will allow deputies to take ownership of rural land problems in order to be able to challenge the government so that suitable, imminent and immediate solutions are found.

On the ground, the work of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on rural land management in Burkina Faso will consist, among other things, of capitalizing on the achievements of the application of texts on land in general; to list and qualify the difficulties in terms of land security; to verify t
he effectiveness of taxes and fees relating to land deeds.

The second parliamentary commission of inquiry concerns the liabilities of real estate development. It was proposed by MP Yaya Karambiri.

According to the resolution adopted, the general objective of the creation of this parliamentary commission of inquiry is to enable the representatives of the people to take ownership of the problems linked to the liabilities of real estate development resulting from the adoption of law n°008-2023 /ALT of June 20, 2023, relating to real estate development in Burkina Faso.

At the end of the work in the field, the members of the parliamentary commission of inquiry should be able, among other things, to take stock of real estate development in Burkina Faso; identify and classify real estate development files pending on the date of entry into force of the law; verify the regularity and sincerity of the administrative processing of files pending on the date of entry into force of the law and propose a clear plan for c
learing liabilities.

The third parliamentary commission of inquiry concerns the effectiveness of projects and programs financed with external resources in Burkina Faso.

This commission, led by MP Mamadou Yaro, has the mission of evaluating and assessing the effectiveness of projects and programs financed with external resources for the reduction of poverty in our country.

According to the adopted resolution, the work of this parliamentary commission of inquiry will focus specifically on the process of negotiation and conclusion of financing agreements, the process of ratification of financing agreements as provided for by national legal provisions.

As well as the inventory of projects financed with external resources in recent years, the level of debt linked to financing agreements as well as their viability and sustainability.

Source: Burkina Information Agency