The merit and resilience of provincial actors rewarded in HoundéARP Committee hears Education Minister on EIB loan to fund school modernisation programme

_: The province of Tuy organized the first edition of its merit day, this Thursday, December 21, 2023 in Houndé. On the occasion, 16 winners from various public and private sectors were rewarded for their actions in favor of development and/or peace in the province.

With the aim of cultivating the love of a job well done, promoting patriotism, strengthening resilience in the context of security crisis and mobilizing all the efforts of stakeholders on the development of the province, High Commissioner Issiaka Segda initiated the day Provincial Merit of Tuy. The first edition took place on Thursday, December 21, 2023 in Houndé around the theme ‘Merit in a context of security crisis: factor in promoting the resilience of men and women in the Tuy province’ under the sponsorship of Janvier Bazoum, regional expert from the Fouta Djallon massif natural resources observatory. During the ceremony, the merit of 16 men and women from various trades who distinguished themselves during the year 2023 through their actions
in favor of the development of the province was rewarded. The first 6 prizes consisting of a trophy and a certificate of merit were awarded respectively to the gendarmerie, the national police, the volunteers for the defense of the fatherland (VDP), health, the Houndé Gold Operation mine (HGO ) and the Tuy gold miners’ association (AOT). These winners are particularly distinguished by their bravery, their heroism, their resilience, their socio-economic investments or their contribution to the peace effort in the face of the security crisis in the province. The 10 other winners come from, among others, the education sector, the associative world, the agricultural sector, etc. They, for their part, benefited from a certificate of merit.

The president of the organizing committee, HSté Sankara, welcomed the strong mobilization of the population and promised to take into account the shortcomings linked to the organization of this edition to improve future editions.

Godfather Janvier Bazoum, also a son of the pro
vince, congratulated the High Commissioner for this ‘noble’ initiative. Also, he thanked him for the choice made on him to sponsor this first edition. Mr. Bazoum also congratulated all Tuy workers, particularly the day’s winners, for their contribution to the development of the province.

For High Commissioner Issiaka Segda who initiated this day, the reward of merit is a source of motivation by which Tuy can be raised to the rank it deserves in the concert of the country’s provinces. He thanked the sponsors, partners and all the goodwill who worked to make this day happen. Mr. Segda congratulated the winners while inviting them to do better. For the development of Tuy, Issiaka Segda urged the daughters and sons of the province to have more courage, commitment and above all contribution to the peace effort. Thus, to respond to the appeal of the Head of State, a voluntary contribution made it possible to immediately raise the sum of 308,200 FCFA to support the peace effort.
Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Finance and Budget Committee of the Assembly of the People’s Representatives (ARP) held a hearing on Wednesday in the presence of the Minister of Education, Mohamed Ali Boughdiri.

The session focused on a bill to approve a financing agreement signed on July 10, 2023 between Tunisia and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to contribute to the financing of the schools modernisation programme.

This financing is part of the state’s efforts to provide financial resources for the development of the education sector, the minister was quoted as saying in a parliamentary press release.

He noted that this new funding would streamline the schools modernisation programme and cooperation with the EIB.

Boughdiri pointed out that the promotion of the education sector through the rehabilitation of school infrastructure and teaching requires the involvement of all stakeholders in the sector.

He underlined that the schools modernisation project is part of a national programme based on the principles of positive discri
mination between regions.

A representative of the Ministry of Education also gave an overview of the two phases of the School Modernisation Programme.

He noted that this programme will result in the establishment of 80 new primary schools, the development and rehabilitation of priority primary schools, the purchase of computer equipment and 75 school buses. Technical assistance will be provided to monitor project studies under this programme, he added.

At the end of the deliberations, the Committee decided to hear from the representative of the Ministry of Economy and Planning for more details on the financial conditions and interest rates of this loan.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse