The Central-East Regional Directorate of Communication visits Paglayiri radio station in Zabré

The Central-East Regional Directorate of Communication visited yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Paglayiri radio in Zabré.

The Central-East Regional Communications Directorate visited the Paglayiri community radio in Zabré in the Boulgou province on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The objective of this visit according to the Regional Director of Communication, Jean Louis Ouédraogo, is to discuss with radio managers in order to understand the difficulties they encounter in the exercise of their functions.

» It is also an opportunity for us to have information on the radio’s staff and equipment. We will put all of this in a report that we will send to the Ministry of Communication. This allows him to know you better and possibly to plan better in terms of support,’ he continued, suggesting that they were really happy to be at Radio Paglayiri in Zabré.

As for the director of Radio Paglayiri, Jean-Pierre Boussim, he admits to being the happiest because these outings of the heads of regional services galvanize them mo
re and allow them to expose all the difficulties they encounter on a daily basis.

After the interview phase, the regional communications director, accompanied by the head of the media development department, Hamidou Zoungrana and Abdoul Kader Ouédraogo (another collaborator), visited the various radio installations. The visit was marked by a note of satisfaction, suggested the regional director and his colleagues.

As a reminder, the delegation before the visit to Paglayiri radio in Zabré, had visited the municipal radio and Horizon Fm Boulgou radio in Garango on the same day.

Source: Burkina Information Agency