The AES and the new conditions of stay for foreigners in Burkina make the headlines in Burkinabè newspapersFamily Ministry and BTS raise value of self-financing and funding ceiling

Ouagadougou: This Friday’s publications largely comment on the new conditions of entry and stay of foreigners in Burkina Faso and the meeting of electricity companies of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) for the construction of a coal-fired power station in Niger.

‘Electricity for all in the AES space: Experts are counting on the valorization of endogenous resources’, announces the state daily Sidwaya on its front page.

The newspaper informs that the first consultation meeting between the electricity companies of the AES countries ended on the evening of February 22, 2024 in Ouagadougou.

The state daily maintains that experts have identified several short, medium and long term projects, with a view to securing the countries’ electricity supply.

Brother Le Pays specifies that the adoption of the said bill will also make it possible not only to fight effectively against terrorist groups and cross-border and transnational criminal organizations, but also to considerably reduce insecurity on Burkinabe territ

The private daily L’Observateur Paalga adds that Burkinabè, Malian and Nigerien experts have defined six strategic axes and made recommendations with the aim of finding endogenous solutions to the supply of juice to the populations.

The Burkinabè press was also interested in the law on entries and exits in Burkina Faso.

The state daily Sidwaya headlines to this effect ‘law on entries and exits in Burkina Faso: MPs give their discharge’.

The newspaper specifies that the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) adopted in plenary, on Thursday February 22, 2024 in Ouagadougou, a law establishing conditions for the entry and stay of foreigners, and the exit of nationals and foreigners from the national territory.

The private daily L’Observateur Paalga, still speaking of the new conditions of entry and stay of foreigners, continues that in the opinion of the Minister Delegate in charge of Security, Mahamoudou Sana, the new law will allow not only the police forces to take the appropriate border control me
asures required by the current security context, but also to internalize the various international conventions and resolutions.

Le Pays, for its part, headlines ‘Entry and exit of foreigners and nationals from Burkina: The law passed unanimously’.

He indicates that the bill was adopted in a context of increasing global migratory flow marked by the appearance of asymmetric threats such as terrorism, organized crime and trafficking of all kinds.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Minister of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly Amal Belhaj Moussa on Friday announced, at the signing of amendments to two partnership agreements on the national Raidet programme between the Ministry, the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS) and the Banque Nationale Agricole (BNA), an increase in the value of self-financing provided by the ministry and the ceiling on funding allocated by the BTS.

She pointed out that the State had launched the Raidet programme to support women’s participation in the economy and encourage female entrepreneurship, indicating that, in accordance with these two amendments, new incentives had been approved for women applying for financing, notably with regard to the financing of projects related to sustainable agriculture, renewables and new technologies.

The amendments were signed by the minister, BTS Managing Director Khalifa Seboui and BNA Managing Director Ahmed Ben Moulaham.

Belhaj Moussa announced an increase in the amount of credit (interest-free) granted by the ministry
as self-financing for women entrepreneurs (from 20% to 30% of the cost of the project) from the resources of the financing line. The BTS and the BNA provide the remainder of the financing, estimated at 70% of the cost of the project, in the form of a medium or long-term loan.

She pointed out that the amendment to the agreement between the ministry and the BTS provides for a rise in the financing ceiling from TND 150,000 to TND 200,000, in addition to an agreement on financing for women’s agricultural development groupings.

She pointed out that since December 2022, 3,679 projects for women have been financed under the Raidet programme, with investments of over TND 35.5 million, which have contributed to the creation of 5,605 direct jobs.

The minister underlined that 55% of the women who have launched projects are higher education graduates and that 78% of the beneficiaries of the Raidet programme are aged between 18 and 45.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse