Ten MPs submit legislative initiative to amend Decree-Law No. 54

A legislative initiative to amend Decree-Law No. 2022-54 on combating crimes related to information and communication systems has been submitted by ten MPs.

MP Yassine Mami told TAP on Wednesday that the initiative was launched by MPs from five parliamentary blocs and non-partisan MPs.

That initiative, which has the support of 40 MPs, was submitted to the Presidency of the Assembly of People’s Representatives on Tuesday, he said. It will be sent to the ARP Bureau and the relevant committees for consideration, he added.

MP Yassine Mami pointed out that this legislative initiative concerns several articles of the decree law that “restrict the freedom of expression of journalists and thinkers in their publications or articles”.

He added that some MPs had noted that Decree-Law 54 was being abused. “There is a violation of freedom of the press and freedom of expression and of certain achievements of the democratic transition.”

The MP also stressed that “the very idea of the Decree-Law is positive in itself”.
In his view, it would “put an end to the chaos of social media.3 However, he noted that there was a “certain lightness” in the referral of a number of cases under this Decree-Law.

He also explained that this legislative initiative followed the adoption by the Parliament on February 6 of a bill on Tunisia’s accession to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, adopted in Budapest on November 23, 2001.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse