Supervision of the Stallions: ‘Brama Traoré is the man for the job’ according to Lazare Banssé

The president of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF) Lazare Banssé, who appointed Brama Traoré as coach of the Stallions of Burkina Faso, announced Monday during his presentation in Ouagadougou that he is the man for the job, we noted.

‘Brama Traoré is the man for the job. We called on national expertise,’ declared the president of the Burkinabè Football Federation Lazare Banssé during the press conference presenting the new coach of the Stallions of Burkina Faso.

The nomination committee set up by the president of the FBF, worked on a shortlist of six contenders to head the Burkina Faso flag team.

What weighed for the choice of Brama Traoré ‘was his CV and his experience. Experience is an important element. He worked alongside several coaches of the Etalons. He has the right temperament. He is a level-headed person. He knows how to talk to players. He knows how to galvanize the players,’ said President Banssé.

The duration of the contract of coach Brama alias ‘The Researcher’ has not been revealed bu
t the president of the FBF mentioned that ‘we will work with him on a long-term project’.

The objective assigned to him is to qualify the Stallions for the next CAN and the World Cup. He was also assigned to build and rejuvenate the team while attracting dual nationals. The other objective is to bring discipline back within the Stallions.

The new coach Brama Traoré paid a vibrant tribute to the former presidents of the Burkinabè Football Federation who came before Lazare Banssé and also the national coaches who became head of the technical management of the Stallions.

” I have confidence in myself ”

The new strong man of the Burkina Faso Stallions comes with reassuring serenity. ‘I am a resilient and wise coach. I will do everything to qualify the Stallions for a World Cup and win a CAN. I have confidence in myself,’ confides Brama Traoré.

He says he knows the team’s environment well and will bring joy to the Burkinabè people.

‘I have known the players since they were young. I know how to work with them
. I will know how to handle the carrot and the stick well. I will do everything to make my mark. I think this team will impress us,’ he said.

Based on the participation of the Stallions in the last CAN in Ivory Coast, Brama Traoré underlined that ‘against Mali people did not pay attention but Mali made 17 passes before scoring their goal in the 3rd minute . This means that within the Stallions, self-sacrifice, commitment and discipline did not exist.’

President Banssé also indicated that free rein is given to the new coach Brama Traoré to choose his deputy to avoid disagreements within the selection.

Brama Traoré holds two licenses (A and B) from the German Football Federation, an A license from the Burkinabè Football Federation and License A from the Confederation of African Football (CAF). He also holds a FIFA certificate (participation in the World Cup) in Nigeria, several other FIFA certificates (instructor and coaches) etc.

Brama Traoré replaces the Frenchman Hubert Velud whose contract was not renew
ed after the elimination in the round of 16 of the Stallions at CAN 2023 played in 2024 in Ivory Coast.

Source: Burkina Information Agency