SNJT reports Increase in assaults on journalists in November 2023

The National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) reported an increase in the number of assaults on journalists in November 2023 compared to October 2023.

In its report published on Wednesday, the SNJT said that 13 assaults were recorded out of 15 reports received through direct contact with victims or through monitoring the media and social networks.

The union reported restrictions on media coverage of several public opinion cases, including the «so-called conspiracy against state security.»

The SNJT called on the judiciary to overturn the investigating judge’s decision of June 18, 2002 prohibiting the media from reporting on this case, in accordance with the right to information guaranteed by the Constitution.

According to the SNJT report, three journalists have been detained. They are Khalifa Guesmi, Chadha Hadj Mabrouk and Yassine Romdhani, who was recently released.

The union also condemned the trial of journalists on terrorism charges and called on the President of the Republic to repeal Decree-Law No. 54 on the fight against offences related to information and communication systems.

The SNJT also called for an end to the prosecution of journalists for expressing their opinions on social media platforms.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse