Sixty years old: Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem calls on the authorities to give the AIB its former place

Ouagadougou: The former director of the Burkina Faso Information Agency (AIB), Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, called on Monday, on the occasion of the media’s 60th anniversary, the authorities to give to the agency, the place it must occupy in the media landscape in Burkina Faso.

The Burkina Information Agency (AIB) celebrates this Monday, May 27, 2024 in its premises, its diamond jubilee marking its 60 years of existence.

According to the former director of the AIB, Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, the agency has been able to move forward today with the terrorist danger facing the country and this is now the opportunity to bring the debate back to the table. modern taste so that it can play its role of yesteryear.

‘It is truly a source of pride that this agency which has made rain and shine in the information landscape of Burkina has been able to resist despite all the changes that have occurred in the media landscape,’ he maintained.

Mr. Pagbelguem, also a technical advisor to the general management o
f Editions Sidwaya, specified that the security situation has placed the AIB at the heart of the communication of state journalism and that all Burkinabè currently see the importance of this tool of information.

The former boss who headed the AIB from December 2009 to June 2011, also pointed out that with the various mutations in the 2000s, the agency was attached to the public newspaper Sidwaya and that this team is not to agency advantage.

He paid tribute to the pioneers and to all those who are currently working to give more visibility, voices, writings and images to the communication tool.

‘The successive general directors of Editions Sidwaya understand the issue and I think that the current general management is working hard to ensure that the AIB truly regains its place in the Burkinabè media landscape,’ added the former director of the AIB.

According to him, through this celebration of the diamond jubilee, a new era is dawning for the agency and it must sixteen this opportunity to better assert its

Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, urged the AIB to stay on the fundamentals by providing information and nothing but information while avoiding opinion journalism.

Source: Burkina Information Agency