Sixty-year-old: Souleymane Sawadogo welcomes the renewed vitality of the AIB

Ouagadougou: The former Director of the AIB, Souleymane Sawadogo, welcomed on Monday the renewed vitality of the AIB before urging the first authorities to grant it substantial resources to do truly from her, the wholesaler of information.

‘We need to think carefully in order to provide the AIB with substantial human, logistical and financial resources to enable it to play its role as an information wholesaler,’ said Souleymane Sawadogo, in an interview on Monday.

According to Mr. Sawadogo, in 2017 the ministry in charge of Communication considered the need to improve the status of the agency and to this end, a strategic plan was adopted for the period 2017-2019.

‘This plan has never prospered, while the press agency is above all the showcase of a country where official information is conveyed,’ lamented Mr. Sawadogo, director of the AIB from 2014 to 2018.

However, he welcomed the renewed vitality of the AIB which, more and more, is the channel of official information. This could be the beginnings of reco
gnition of the value, role and importance of a press agency by the public authority, continued the director.

While hoping that the political will is displayed in the construction of a viable press agency, Mr. Sawadgo hoped that the AIB would live on. He expressed his encouragement to all the agents and the management team of the AIB, who are doing a fantastic job.’

Finally, he invited ‘young journalists to put on the cloak of humility, anything that allows them to learn quickly and well and to use it for their own career.

He also congratulated the young journalists who ‘agree to go through the press agency to expand their training, even if some think that working there does not allow you to make a name, which is not true. After a career in an agency, a young journalist always remains seasoned. ยป

Source: Burkina Information Agency