Sissili: The Ma teni school complex closes its pre-school and school activities

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The Ma teni school complex of Leo, proceeded this Saturday, June 03, 2023, to the closing of these pre-solar and school activities within the said complex.

After nine months of work, it was fashionable for teachers, administrative staff, parents of students and partners of the Ma teni de Léo school complex to meet this Saturday, June 03, 2023, within the enclosure of the said structure, to mark a white stone at the end of a busy year.

Fashion show, dances, songs and recitations were the highlights of this ceremony rich in colors and sounds in a good-natured atmosphere.

The director of the Ma teni school complex, Saïdou Napon, first of all welcomed the great mobilization, a sign that everyone is giving to the education of their children.

He then expressed these sincere thanks to the parents of students for all the support.

The Director welcomed the good results obtained thanks to the combined efforts of all the actors of the educational system of the Ma teni school complex.

He paid a vibrant tribute to the promoter of the complex, Adissatou Ouédraogo / Nignan for her constant support for the smooth running of the school activities of the establishment.

“However, the tree must not hide the forest because certain planned activities could not be carried out, due to the security context,” he explained.

Mr. Napon invited the parents of pupils to usefully occupy the children at home during the holidays.

“We must not leave the children to themselves, nor exhaust them with heavy work, they have worked all year and deserve a rest. However, you will have to ensure that they revise to reinforce the gains for next year,” he said.

Saïdou Napon, on behalf of these collaborators, apologized to the parents of students who, at times, felt hurt by the staff in the performance of their work.

“I ask you to trust so that together we can offer quality education to our children,” he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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