Sissili/May 15: The customs of Léo implore the manes of the ancestors for peace

The association of traditional and customary chiefs of the commune of Léo celebrated Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in Léo, the day of traditions and customs. For the peace, the customs implored the spirits of the ancestors for peace and a good rainy season for Burkina Faso.

On the occasion of this day dedicated to traditions and customs, the guarantors of tradition and customs of the commune of Léo initiated a libation ceremony to ask the manes of the ancestors for the return of peace and a good rainy season for Burkina.

This ceremony was also marked by the presence of local authorities including the high commissioner of the Sissili province, Tewendé Isaac Sia, the president of the special delegation, Kassoum Koalaga and the population of Léo.

The college of wise men as well as all the customary leaders have, through the various rites, paid great tribute to the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for this great initiative.

According to them, this approach by the President of the Transition invites communitie
s to reconsider ancestral values for the harmonious development of the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency