Sissili/ Maracana: The FC leaders team wins the trophy of the 1st edition

Léo: The 1st edition of the ‘Maracana eau Sissili’ tournament had its epilogue on Saturday February 24, 2024 in Léo. The team of leaders FC won the trophy by overcoming that of Bafana Bafana, after several series of penalties.

Launched on Saturday January 20, 2024, the 1st edition of the ‘Maracana eau Sissili’ tournament saw the participation of 16 teams.

The final pitted the team of leaders FC against that of Bafana Bafana, on Saturday February 24, 2024 on the grounds of the Kutian school in Léo, capital of the province of Sissili, in the Center region. West.

For a month, the different sports teams that took part in the competition competed in enthusiasm and talent to designate the two finalists.

Conquering the prestigious trophy of this 1st edition of the ‘Maracana eau Sissili’ tournament, the two victorious teams in the qualifiers, namely; the Bafana Bafana team and that of the leaders FC showed some fine football.

The determination to win was felt on both sides, with regard to the offensives with som
etimes missed goal opportunities. During the derby, no attacker managed to shake his opponent’s net.

The two teams left each other with a scoreless score of zero goals everywhere at the end of the two games. It is then total suspense with the fateful penalty shootout to determine the champion team of the 2024 edition of the ‘Maracana eau Sissili’ tournament.

The team of leaders FC finally won the final, against their challenger, Bafana Bafana with the final score of one goal to Zero, after the series of penalties.

Crowned champion of the tournament, she received in addition to the trophy, a set of ‘eau Sissili’ jerseys, a ball and the sum of 100 thousand FCFA and medals.

The unfortunate finalist was satisfied with a set of jerseys, a ball and an envelope of 50 thousand FFCA. The SONABEL and Justice teams ranked 3rd and 4th respectively each received a set of jerseys, a ball and an envelope of 25 thousand FCFA.

In addition to the first four, all the teams that took part in the competition each received a
set of jerseys and a ball.

The opportunity was great for the promoter, El Hadj Ibrahim Kaboré and CEO of the ‘Eau Minerale Sissili’ group, to express his gratitude to the High Commissioner, the sponsors and the organizing committee as well as to all those of goodwill. for their support.

The representative of the sponsors, Kassoum Koalaga, also President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Léo, thanked the promoter and his entire team for associating his image with the organization of this tournament.

Koalaga was also delighted with the smooth progress and the great mobilization of the population throughout the elimination phases in a spirit of fair play and conviviality.

He also congratulated all the teams that took part in the various competitions while reminding them that the final victory is that of the entire population.

Kassoum Koalaga finally reassured the CEO of ‘Eau Sissili’, promoter of this great initiative of his unfailing support and hoped for its sustainability.

The High Commi
ssioner of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, joined his voice to that of the PDS to welcome the initiative of the promoter whose objective is to bring the population, particularly the youth of Léo, to forge links of friendships, to fraternize and to rub shoulders in a spirit of camaraderie.

Source: Burkina Information Agency