Sissili: A training center gives comfort to fighting forces and widows and orphans

Ouagadougou: training center called ‘Mental rehabilitation center’, offered on Thursday, December 28, 2023, fuel for the benefit of the FDS and VDP and also food for the benefit of the widows and orphans of these fighting forces. The handover ceremony was chaired by the Secretary General of the Sissili province, Baowindsida Bingo in the presence of representatives of the fighting forces.

‘If people are fighting at the front, we who are in the background what do we do to support them and prove that we are with them,’ said the donor representative, Noël Djiguemdé also first manager of the ‘mental rehabilitation’ center.

This is why he said, as part of the 72 hours of the center, in addition to training in saponification for the benefit of 150 women of the FDS and VDP, we have also initiated a fundraiser to support the fighting forces of the commune of Léo .

‘During this operation we were able to collect a sum of 305,000 CFA francs,’ said the first manager of the center.

According to Mr. Djiguemdé, this fund
made it possible to purchase 10 25 kg bags of rice, 10 one-liter cans of oil, 2 boxes of soap and 10 boxes of tomatoes for a total amount of 150,000 CFA francs, for the benefit of widows and orphans of the FDS and VDP.

‘The remaining 155,000 CFA francs were converted into fuel vouchers for the benefit of the fighting forces in the commune of Léo,’ he said.

He expressed all his recognition and gratitude to all those of good will for their contributions.

Mr. Djiguemdé then thanked the authorities for their support, in particular to the president of the special delegation of the urban commune of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga for his informed advice.

The representative of the FDS and VDP welcomed this gesture towards them and reassured that they will give the best of themselves to ensure the return of peace and tranquility to Burkina Faso.

The Secretary General of the Sissili province, Baowindsida Bingo, on behalf of the High Commissioner, congratulated and thanked the donors for this salutary initiative.

He also th
anked the FDS and VDP for the sacrifices made in the fight against terrorism.

Baowindsida Bingo finally invited the population to always support them in this dynamic
Source: Burkina Information Agency