Sfax: Textile training center inaugurated as part of public-private partnership

A vocational training center dedicated to firms operating in the textile field was inaugurated, on Wednesday, in Sfax, as part of a Tunisian-German cooperation and a public-private partnership.

President of the Regional Federation of Textiles and Clothing (FTTH) in Sfax and member of the executive office of the federation, Habib Chabchoub, told journalists that the management of this new center revolves around three main parties, namely: the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment, FTTH and the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) which is the project’s funding party.

«The project was launched as part of a public-private partnership. It is known for its openness onto the industrial fabric in the region. It includes specializations which meet the requirements of the textile sector in Sfax,» he underlined.

Director of the newly inaugurated Center, Fatma Fekih pointed out to that «this center is operating within a close coordination between companies working in the public sector in Sfax and ai
ms to create jobs.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse