Senegal: CORED urges media professionals ‘not to echo comments that can undermine social cohesion’

Ouagadougou: The Council for the Observation of the Rules of Ethics and Professional Conduct in the Media, the media self-regulatory body and equivalent of the OBM in Burkina Faso, attracted the attention of journalists and media technicians on the need to demonstrate ‘responsibility’ by refraining from giving an audience to ‘xenophobic, racist, stigmatizing and intolerant speech’, in accordance with Article 18 of the Press Code .

Through a press release made public on Monday, CORED notably invites media professionals ‘not to echo comments that can undermine social cohesion and urges them to censor (…) anything that can harm our live together”.

‘The Council for the Observation of the Rules of Ethics and Professional Conduct in the Media notes that Mr. Tahirou Sarr of the Senegalese Nationalist Movement, known for his tendentious public discourse on foreigners living in Senegal and immigration, benefits from a presence media increasingly marked,’ we can read in the text.

In this, CORED says it strongly cond
emns ‘the trivialization of any discourse tending to designate foreigners as scapegoats in the face of certain easily influenced minds’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency