Sale of illegally divided land: Citizens urged not to throw away their money

Ouagadougou: The National Office for Development and Construction Control (ONC-AC) on Wednesday called on citizens not to buy land parceled out anarchically around the bypass road and everywhere, risk throwing their money out the window.

The Director General of the ONC-AC, Yacouba Siko, indicated that the anarchic occupation of land and the illegal sale of plots on the bypass of the city of Ouagadougou make it difficult to carry out the Greater Ouaga project.

Yacouba Siko spoke this Wednesday, July 31, 2024 in Ouagadougou, during a meeting with the presidents of the special delegations (PDS) of the municipalities of Greater Ouaga.

According to him, in the Greater Ouaga development plan, there are areas determined for agricultural and economic activities, as well as housing with a view to creating a balance at the level of territorial development.

According to Mr. Siko, the current observation is that most of the areas occupied by the populations are not defined for housing in the master plan and make it d
ifficult to realize it.

‘The anarchic occupations underway on these sites are jeopardizing all the government’s efforts in terms of territorial planning,’ he lamented.

To remedy this, ONC-AC officials and the PDS intend, according to Yacouba Siko, to define a road map in order to act on the ground against offenders.

‘The roadmap is a clear program with precise actions to be implemented. It will be submitted to the minister in charge of town planning, before we deploy on the ground,’ said the general director.

He also called on buyers of land and plots at the sites concerned to avoid investing their money in fake goods.

‘You should not buy plots of land that make you feel insecure, do not invest your money in things that are not certain,’ he said to them.

The DG also stressed that the roadmap will make it possible to investigate to find those who practice these activities in order to sanction them in accordance with the provisions of the new law in force.

The Greater Ouaga master plan concerns the munic
ipalities of Saaba, Pabré, Komsilga, Komki-Ipala, Tanghin-Dassouri and Loumbila.

Source: Burkina Information Agency