RN3: Terrorists carry out their last check before heading to hell

Ouagadougou: Terrorists who carried out checks on National 3 (Kaya-Dori) this Wednesday were eliminated in surgical strikes by the Burkinabè army, AIB learned from security sources.

Not all workers are idle on May 1, especially the Fighting Forces who work day and night at the cost of their lives to restore peace and security.

As proof, this Wednesday, air vectors followed a group of terrorists who were carrying out checks on users on national road number 3 (Kaya-Dori-Gorom-Niger Border).

As in conquered territory, these criminals had just controlled a mini bus and then users on motorcycles.

After their work, they retired to their acolytes installed nearby under the trees.

The numbers are right and the timing is right. Air operators send a missile on the job. Terrorists burn with their devices.

Survivors try to flee but end up dead on all fours.

After the strikes, units of the 41st Commando Infantry Regiment and the Volunteers for Defense and Homeland (VDP) combed the area and recovered the equipment t
hat was still usable.

Source: Burkina Information Agency