Ramadan, closure of patriotic days and suspension of importation on newspaper covers

Ouagadougou: This Thursday’s publications echo the suspension of the importation of wheat flour, the closing of patriotic days and the celebration of Ramadan 2024.

Ramadan 2024: The Muslim community invokes Allah for peace’ headlines the state newspaper Sidwaya.

The newspaper reports that the Sunni community yesterday performed the great prayer marking the end of Ramadan on the ground located on the east side of the Ouaga 2000 Conference Hall.

The public daily adds that on the occasion, Imam Mohamed Ishaaq invited the Muslim faithful to remain in the word of God and to remain united.

For its part, the private daily Le Pays added that on the side of the Place de la Nation which also gathered many Muslim faithful for prayer, the secretary of the Muslim community El Hadj Hatimi Démé invited citizens of all religions to join hands and show solidarity .

The colleague specifies that the Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Mgr. Prosper Kontièbo, who came to demonstrate his brotherhood and solidarity with the Muslim comm
unity, also focused his remarks on peace.

The Paalga Observer continues that Imam Abdallah Ouédraogo who led this prayer placed this celebration under a double seal, namely the festive aspect and that of the multiplication of duas for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

In another register: ‘Patriotic days of commitment and citizen participation: see you in October for the second phase’.

The private newspaper informs that the first fortnight of patriotic and citizen participation days ended this Tuesday.

Sidwaya underlines that for the occasion, Prime Minister Joachimson Kyélem de Tambéla said he was satisfied with the commitment of citizens with regard to the activities carried out to promote good citizenship and tolerance.

From another angle, the private daily, Le Pays, displays on its cover: ‘Consumer products: the importation of wheat flour suspended’.

The daily writes that the authorities announced in a press release made public at the beginning of the week the suspension of wheat imports.

The de
an of private daily newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga, mentions that this measure is taken as part of the consolidation of the consumer products market

Source: Burkina Information Agency