Pupils and students of the Alliance of Sahel States and Guinea Conakry commit to supporting the vision of the three heads of state

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré met this Monday, February 26, 2024 in Ouagadougou, the office of pupils and students of the Alliance of States of Sahel and Guinea, who came to support the vision of the three heads of state.

‘The path has already been paved by heads of state; It is up to us, the young people of the school and higher education systems, to carry the torch of this new common vision of our States, through the strengthening of our education systems, so that we can meet the various challenges that are ours.” indicated the secretary general of the office of pupils and students of the Alliance of the States of the Sahel and Guinea, Maouloune Hassan.

This Monday, February 26, 2024, Mr. Hassan led a delegation of young people from the AES area and Guinea who went to express to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy the desire of pupils and students to align behind the vision informed by the three heads of state of the Allianc
e of Sahel States.

Through their structure, young people say they want to gradually contribute to strengthening existing relations between Burkina Faso, the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Niger.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, as well as the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation Mrs. Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré, welcomed this initiative of young people, which will make it possible to reveal the true Sahel and thus break with the false presentation of this space as a problem area.

‘You are the future of the AES, and in this you must make it clear to the rest of the world that this space has resources made up first of all of these Men; you must ensure succession and you must do better and do more; work in an inclusive environment, and share good experiences to gain legitimacy among other young people and the youngest, while promoting the vision of the AES,’ affirmed the head of Burkinabe diplomacy in terms of advice to
the youth delegation.

He reassured the delegation of his availability and that of his collaborators, to support the initiatives which will be developed by the structure of AES pupils and students.

Source: Burkina Information Agency