President of the Republic meets ISIE president

President Kais Saied met on Wednesday at Carthage Palace with Farouk Bouaskar, President of the Independent High Electoral Authority (ISIE).

The meeting focused on the establishment of local councils following the election of their members that will lead to regional councils, pending the establishment of regional districts, followed by the National Council of Regions and Districts, which will constitute the second parliamentary chamber at the national level, according to a statement from the presidency.

In this context, the President of the Republic stated that these local and regional councils, as well as the district councils, will not be subject to the Local Communities’ Code, as some arguie.

“Tunisia is currently living under a new constitutional system that has modified the one that existed before the promulgation of the Constitution of July25, 2022.”

The President of the Republic pointed out that the purpose of the second council was to achieve integration within the state, which, according to the c
onstitution, must remain united. In addition, those who have been marginalised and excluded would become active in the development of legislation, especially economic and social legislation.

On the other hand, the Head of State pointed out that there are those who deliberately try to confuse the Regional Councils created by the Organic Law of February 4, 1989 or the Local Development Councils created by the Law of July 26, 1994. “These two types of council have nothing to do with the National Council of Districts and Regions. Moreover, they are no longer needed under the new political and administrative organisation.”

On another level, the Head of State recalled that the Constitution of July 25, 2022 established new conditions for the presidential elections and that there was no justification for talking about the introduction of amendments to the electoral law.

“There is no conflict between the provisions of the Constitution and the Electoral Code, and if there are those who imagine the existence of such
a conflict, they should remember that the rules of the Constitution are higher than the rules contained in the provisions below it,” he was quoted as saying in the same statement.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse