President of Republic stresses need to redouble efforts to combat various types of crime

President Kais Saied stressed the need to redouble efforts to combat various types of crime and praised the recent dismantling of a number of drug networks, saying they were no less dangerous than those targeting state security.

He made the remarks during a meeting at Carthage Palace on Wednesday with Interior Minister Kamel Feki, Director General of National Security Mourad Saidane and Director General and Commander of the National Guard Hassine Gharbi, according to a statement from the presidency.

The President of the Republic ordered that all corruption networks be dismantled and brought to justice because “the fight against corruption and the prosecution of spoilers is a relentless and irreversible war”.

He explained that a number of tongues are hired by corruption networks and lobbies. “Just as the State is keen on freedoms, it is also keen to impose respect for the law on everyone”.

On the other hand, the President of the Republic called for all those who communicate with foreign entities to be held
accountable and for the provisions of the penal code to be applied in this context. “Tunisia is a sovereign country and its sovereignty lies with the people, who alone have the right to vote freely.”

The electoral law provides for the sponsorship of a candidate by a number of elected officials or by a number of voters, not by any foreign side. “This would not be sponsorship, but a betrayal of the homeland,” he was quoted as saying in the same statement.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse