Parliament Speaker meets with President of the Chinese Association for International Understanding

Speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), Brahim Bouderbala, reaffirmed the Parliament’s commitment to continuing cooperation with the National People’s Congress of China during his meeting on Monday with President of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), Ji Bingxuan, who is also the former Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China.

He underlined the key role of parliamentary relations in strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation within a framework of consultation and mutual respect, according to a Parliament statement.

Bouderbala highlighted the long-standing historical relations between Tunisia and China, which he described as “a favourable basis for robust and continuous cooperation in the economic, social, health, academic and cultural fields”.

He praised the scale and quality of China’s support for Tunisia, particularly in the fields of trade and tourism.

For his part, Ji Bingxuan
underlined the deep-rooted relations between the two countries, which make Tunisia a special partner for China. He reaffirmed the commitment to continuous cooperation based on the principles of friendship and mutual respect, which is witnessing an escalating trend in various fields. He expressed China’s determination to continue in this direction, according to the same statement.

He also stated that the purpose of his visit, together with the accompanying delegation, was to explore ways of further developing cooperation and opening up new prospects, particularly in the fields of culture and tourism, given the similarities between the two nations in terms of the richness and diversity of their cultural and civilisational heritage.

He mentioned the preparations made during the visit for the launch of a cultural activity based on dialogue between Tunisian and Chinese civilisations, as a starting point for deeper cooperation in this field.

He also stressed China’s willingness to continue supporting Tunisia thr
ough economic and social projects, intensifying investment programmes and encouraging the participation of Chinese institutions.

He also referred to Tunisia’s “political stability, democratic climate, advanced legal system and abundant resources such as phosphate and olive oil, as well as the competence of the Tunisian people”.

The Chinese official stressed the continuity of bilateral relations at the same pace, unaffected by current global developments and changes, based on the strong foundations and the mutual desire of the leaders of both countries to nurture and enrich these relations.

Stressing the importance of parliamentary relations and the need for joint efforts to further strengthen them, he conveyed the greetings of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China to the Speaker of the ARP.

In this context, he invited the Speaker to visit China at the head of a parliamentary delegation to enhance parliamentary relations between the two c

The meeting also discussed current developments in the Arab and international arenas, including the situation in Palestine.

The Chinese delegation included the charge d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Tunis, the deputy head of CAFIU, the former deputy foreign minister of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the general manager of the Chinese Publishing Group, vice chairman of the International Confucian Association, the deputy secretary-general of CAFIU and the head of the department, coordinator and translator of CAFIU.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse