Ouagadougou/Christmas: Féli Fondation and the national police academy bring smiles to fallen FDS children

Ouagadougou: Féli Fondation and the gender unit of the national police academy offered, on December 24, 2023, a Christmas tree for the benefit of fallen FDS children and other destitute children, noted the AIB.

Despite the holidays, the courtyard of the Saint Michel primary school in Ouagadougou was teeming with children on the morning of December 24, 2023. In fact, fallen FDS children and other destitute children had an appointment with their Mother Christmases, embodied by Féli Fondation and the gender unit of the National Police Academy (ENP).

The day’s benefactors offered toys and a community meal to the future of the Nation.

Long before, the little ones were treated to artistic performances, which brightened up their day and their pre-Christmas.

For the president of Féli Fondation, Ragnimissom Océane Félicia Kaboré, the objective has been achieved, because it is very important to give a smile to these children, among whom are disadvantaged students.

The second year engineering student is counting on
the support of partners and goodwill, so that future editions can reach more children.

The head of the ENP gender unit, police captain Aminata Nagalo, expressed her joy at having shared good times with the children.

She thanked Féli Fondation for the numerous actions taken for the benefit of children and assured her of the support of the ENP gender unit.

It should be noted that the national gendarmerie, in particular its Department of Social Action, was represented at this ceremony by Marshal Mohamed Ouédraogo
Source: Burkina Information Agency