ONEA, and security on newspaper covers

Ouagadougou: This Friday’s publications echo the press conference of the National Water and Sanitation Office (ONEA) to present the work undertaken to ensure water availability in this period of intense heat and the security situation in the country.

‘Resolution of the security crisis in Burkina: The Austrian Parliament will provide its support’, reads the state daily Sidwaya on its headline.

The newspaper reports that the president of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Ousmane Bougouma, received a delegation from the Austrian Parliament yesterday in audience.

According to the public daily, Austrian MP Hermann Brckl, who led the delegation, promised that the Austrian parliament will provide support to Burkina in order to overcome this security crisis.

For its part, the private daily Le Pays headlines its front page: ‘Dismantling of a network of subsidized fertilizer diverters: Operations must continue’.

The newspaper writes that the Regional Judicial Police Service (SJRPJ) of Fada N’Gourma indi
cated, on March 6, that they arrested 18 people including 10 agents within the Ministry of Agriculture for diversion of fertilizers subsidized by the State and intended for agricultural producers.

To read it, according to the SJRPJ of Fada N’Gourma, this diversion concerns 723 bags of 50 kg worth 21,690,000 F CFA and a sum of 21,140,000 FCFA.

‘Great West: The army neutralizes a leader,’ mentions L’Express du Faso on its first page.

According to the Bobolais daily, the second rapid intervention group in collaboration with the VDP and the Dozos carried out an operation called Hurricane in the Great West.

The same newspaper adds that this operation made it possible to neutralize 148 terrorists including Diallo Amsétou, leader of the faction of the Alonzo terrorist group, and to recover several products including, among others, ammunition, fuel, food and pharmaceutical products.

The newspaper adds, however, that this operation reported 11 Defense and Security Forces (FDS) dead and 43 injured.

From another a
ngle, L’Observateur Paalga headlines: ‘disruption of the water desert during heat periods: Good tips from ONEA to deal with the peak’.

According to the dean of private daily newspapers, ONEA officials were in front of the press this Thursday to present the strengthening activities carried out for the water supply during this peak period.

The private daily, Le Pays, continues that ONEA has strengthened distribution, production capacities, and implemented emergency solutions such as alternate distribution or by truck in certain localities.

The public newspaper Sidwaya, for its part, adds that ONEA officials also announced a return to the monthly statement in May in the face of customers’ non-adherence to bimonthly statements.

Source: Burkina Information Agency