Observers report minor offences (Jeunesse sans Frontières)

The “Jeunesse sans Frontières” (Youth Without Borders) association, accredited to observe the run-off local elections, affirmed that the polling centres and polling stations had opened on time, pointing out that its observers, who had visited 205 polling stations by ten o’clock, had reported a few minor offences.

According to a statement by the association, “there was no attempt by candidate representatives, voters or others to influence voters. No polling of voters’ opinions was seen in the vicinity of or inside polling stations in any of the regions visited,” the same source added.

The observers also reported the presence of security forces in all polling stations.

The observers further reported that 27.7% of polling stations had no special passageway to facilitate access for disabled voters.

Seven cases of failure to confirm voter identity or to present a national identity card or passport were recorded in the visited polling stations, and only two cases of failure to respect the confidentiality of th
e vote were registered.

The observers were deployed in 12 governorates, covering 106 delegations and 231 constituencies, to monitor and observe the start of the voting process, its conduct and the counting of votes, with a view to assessing the integrity, transparency and compliance with international standards of the electoral process.

The “Jeunesse sans frontières” association deployed 230 observers who will move between the polling centres and polling stations until 6 p.m..

These observers will be monitoring the surroundings of the polling stations, the preparations for the opening of the polling stations, the voting process and then the counting of votes.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse