Northern Region: CRD members appreciate development performance

Ouahigouya: Members of the Northern Regional Dialogue Framework (CRD-N) held the 1st ordinary session of the year on Monday February 26, 2024 in Ouahigouya under the presidency of Issouf Ouédraogo, Governor of the Northern region .

At the opening ceremony of the work of this first session of the year, Issouf Ouédraogo, Governor of the Northern region, congratulated all the actors while inviting them, in view of the security context, to persevere in their efforts and to adopt a proactive posture in order to provide populations with quality services with a view to improving their living conditions.

It is through communications that the Technical Secretariat of the CRD under the direction of Polycarpe Naré, Regional Director of Economy and Planning for the North (DREP) presented the documents to the members.

It appears that out of 117 expected products, 53 have been fully produced, 43 are being delivered and 21 have not yet started to be produced, resulting in a physical execution rate of 66%.

From the point
of view of financial performance, out of a forecast of 21.56 billion FCFA, a total of 18.33 billion FCFA were spent, resulting in an overall financial execution of 85%.

The discussions allowed the members of the CRD to know that the non-implementation of certain activities is attributable to the late start of activities, the difficulties linked to the award of public contracts, budgetary regulation and security.

For the period 2024-2026, the members of the framework essentially recommended, among other things, support for the FDS in terms of strengthening operational capacities with rolling stock and logistical support, in food for the VDP, the rehabilitation of certain security infrastructures notably police stations and gendarmerie brigades, etc.

This 2024 ordinary session of the regional body for monitoring and evaluation of the National Development Policy (PND) saw the presence of the majority of statutory members which allowed them to examine and adopt at the end of the work, the regional annual perfo
rmance report 2023 of the national development policy, and the regional stabilization and development action plan 2024-2026.

Source: Burkina Information Agency