Namentenga: The provisional assessment of chemo prevention of malaria welcomed by the authorities

Ouagadougou: The results of the chemo prevention campaign for seasonal malaria (CPS) coupled with screening for acute malnutrition on July 30, 2024 were welcomed by the authorities. According to the major of the Urban Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of Boulsa Michel Kabré, 542 children from 3 to 11 months and 2830 children from 12 to 59 months were concerned for the CPS and 3258 children from 6 to 59 months for the malnutrition screening.

The high commissioner of the province of Namentenga, Adama Conseiga, accompanied by the president of the special municipal delegation of Boulsa, Issaka Sangla and the staff of the health district, went on Monday July 29, 2024 to sector 6 of the city to observe the visu the progress of the chemo prevention campaign for seasonal malaria (CPS) coupled with screening for acute malnutrition.

A few hours before the end of the chemo prevention campaign coupled with malnutrition screening, the major of the Urban Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of Boulsa, Michel
Kabré, indicated that the provisional results of the campaign are satisfactory.

The High Commissioner and his delegation took the opportunity to administer SPC doses to children.

The High Commissioner of Namentenga province, Adama Conseiga also praised the dynamism of all the actors on the ground and in the health districts of Tougouri and Boulsa.

He also called on the populations to destroy larval breeding sites.

Source: Burkina Information Agency