Nahouri/War effort: A family supports the VDP with three motorcycles, food and fuel

Ouagadougou: The Anouga family of Tiébélé offered on December 22, 2023, to the VDP of Nahouri, three Haojue motorcycles, a ton of beans, a ton of rice, 20 cans of 20 liter oil, three boxes of nescafé, two cartons of cube maggi and 200 liters of fuel, the AIB noted.

The Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) of the province of Nahouri benefited from food of various kinds and rolling means this December 22, 2023 in Pô, in the province of Nahouri. The initiative comes from the Anouga family from Tiébélé. It was the High Commissioner of the province, Auguste Kinda, who chaired the said ceremony in the presence of representatives of the defense and security forces of the Pô garrison.

The volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) in the province of Nahouri received, this Friday, December 22, 2023, food of various kinds, rolling stock and fuel. The initiative comes from the sons of the Anouga family from Tiébélé, Nahouri province. It was the High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste
Kinda, and the provincial coordinator of the VDP of Nahouri, Captain Abass Seydou Yampa, who received the donation for the benefit of the VDP.

The donation consists of three (03) Haojue motorcycles, 10 bags of 100 kg of beans, 20 bags of rice of 50 kg, 20 cans of 20 liters of oil, three (03) boxes of Nescafé, two (02) boxes of Maggi cube and 200 liters of fuel.

According to Moumouni Anouga, promoter of the mining sites of Kollo in the commune of Tiébélé and Tiakané in the commune of Pô, representing the family, ‘this contribution follows the call from the highest authorities of the country to contribute to the effort of war by supporting combat forces engaged in theaters of operations. »

For him, it is because the defense and security forces and the VDP are doing excellent work in the province that the populations are able to go about freely and carry out their activities. He added that without peace, no development is possible.

The provincial coordinator of the VDP of Nahouri, Captain Abass Seydou Yampa,
for his part, expressed the full gratitude of all the FDS of the Pô garrison to the donors.

He mentioned that this donation will allow the VDP to feed themselves during security outings. A promise was also made regarding rational management of this rolling stock and the food received.

The High Commissioner of Nahouri province, who chaired the ceremony, welcomed the initiative of the Anouga family. ‘This is the first time that the VDPs of the province have received rolling stock, and this will be an open door for the daughters and sons of the province to come and support the valiant VDP and FDS who left their families to defend the homeland. » The Anouga family was represented at the ceremony by Moumouni Anouga, promoter of the mining sites of Kollo in the commune of Tiébélé and Tiakané in the commune of Pô, Dominique Anouga, CEO of Graine d’Or, and Jhon Koudiaouba Anouga, representative of Nescafé in Pô and CEO of the Bèdowé hotel in Pô.
Source: Burkina Information Agency