Nahouri/USSU-BF 2023-2024: Athletes present their trophies to the authorities

Ouagadougou: The athletes of Nahouri presented to the authorities and the population, this Monday, May 20, 2024 at the municipal stadium of Pô, the trophies won in Manga as part of the regional phases of the Union of School and University Sports of Burkina Faso (USSU-BF), session 2023-2024, which took place on May 18 and 19, 2024 in Manga, capital of the Center-South region.

The Nahouri Provincial Directorate of Sports and Leisure, in collaboration with supervisors and athletes from secondary schools in the Nahouri province, presented this Monday, May 20, 2024, the various trophies won during the regional phases of the Sports Union competitions. schools and universities (USSU-BF), session 2023-2024, to the authorities and the population of the province.

Out of a total of 17 trophies in competition for team and individual sport, the province of Nahouri took the lion’s share by winning 15 trophies out of the 17.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education, Noélie Yonli/Tasopb
a, these performances are the results of good preparation and compliance with the instructions given by supervisors.

She congratulated the latter whose commitment and professionalism allowed the athletes of the province to outperform the two other provinces in the region.

The High Commissioner of the Nahouri province, Auguste Kinda, who chaired the ceremony, said he was satisfied with the educational actors, supervisors and athletes for these performances.

He invited education stakeholders to stay the course for the end-of-year exams in order to raise the Nahouri province.

The trophy presentation ceremony also marks, according to the provincial director of Sports and Leisure of Nahouri, Urbain Bamogo, the return to sport in the province.

It should be remembered that the previous session, the Nahouri athletes had shown themselves to be intractable by winning 8 out of 9 trophies at the regional level.

Before the presentation of the trophies to the authorities, athletes and students from secondary schools
in the commune of Pô organized a popular cross-country race in the town and an aerobics session at the municipal stadium of Pô.

Source: Burkina Information Agency