Nahouri/Sport and school talents: The Tiébélé departmental high school wins the trophy by 3 goals to 1

The provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, closed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Pô, in the province of Nahouri, the 1st edition of Nahouri sport and school talents on the theme: ‘Sport and culture in schools: factors of development and social cohesion’. The Tiébélé departmental high school won the trophy by 3 goals to 1 against the CEG of Koumbili.

Placed on the theme ‘Sport and culture in schools: factors of development and social cohesion’, the provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, closed the activities of the 1st edition of Nahouri sport and school talents, on Saturday May 25, 2024.

Started last February, public and private high schools and colleges in the Nahouri province took part in this edition.

The Tiébélé Departmental High School and the CEG of Koumbili (Commune of Guiaro), played in the football final, in the presence of administrative and provincial authorities.

It was by 3 goals to 1 that the Tiébélé departmental high schoo
l won the trophy of this first edition.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, Noélie Yonli/Tasopba, the students competed for four months in a spirit of fraternity and fair play around activities such as, among others, culinary and oratorical art, traditional and modern dance, athletics and football.

Ms. Yonli praised the sporting performances, the artistic creations of the students, the spirit of camaraderie and the enthusiasm of the students around these different activities.

For her, they are sources of inspiration for all education stakeholders.

The Tiébélé departmental high school team, in addition to the trophy, receives an envelope of 30,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The Koumbili CEG pockets 20,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The establishments ranked 3rd and 4th were also rewarded.

High schools and colleges ranked best in culinary arts, oratory, traditional and modern dance, athletics, slam, sketch, football and stor
ytelling received prizes according to genre.

The High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda and the technical advisor to the Minister of Education Guy Ouango who took part in this final, invited education stakeholders to seize this opportunity which allows young people to to flourish around cultural and sporting activities.

For them, they are not simple entertainment but rather fundamental pillars for promoting the cultures specific to each locality.

This first edition was sponsored by the CEO of the Société de transit du Burkina (STB), Lingani Aboubacar.

Source: Burkina Information Agency