Multilateral cooperation: the United Nations system reaffirms its commitment to supporting Burkina Faso with more interventions

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, HE Karamoko Jean Marie TRAORE chaired an exchange meeting between a government team and the United Nations System, on the evening of Wednesday July 3, 2024.

This meeting allowed both parties to take stock of their cooperation, readjust needs and identify perspectives, taking into account the reality and the security, humanitarian and food requirements of the moment in Burkina Faso.

Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE, special coordinator of the United Nations System for development in the Sahel, indicated that this visit was requested by the first officials of the United Nations, to inquire about the priority needs of the Burkinabè government, and to consider avenues more effective support for the Burkinabe people.

the head of the United Nations system delegation.

And to allow this delegation to better understand the situation, it was entitled to a presentation on the security situation, the means deployed by the authorities to d
eal with it, the results obtained and expectations.

In turn, the members of the government present at this framework of exchanges presented the situation at the level of their respective departments, and the expectations vis-à-vis the United Nations to meet the challenges to come.

Support needs concern almost all areas, ranging from security to humanitarian work, including health and agriculture.

At this meeting, the government returned to the media pollution which has targeted Burkina Faso in recent times, inviting the United Nations to always refer to official sources, and to get rid of false information relayed by certain media and NGOs, whose aim is to discourage the real partners of Burkina Faso.

Welcoming this visit, the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs indicated that it is a good opportunity for actors in the United Nations system to witness our real environment, to better understand the context, to make the right observation, to better formulate effective responses.

In summary, the governmen
t indicated that Burkina Faso expects from the United Nations system, a frank partnership but above all a partnership that aligns with the priorities of Burkinabè, while inviting this organization to act based on reality and not on the principles which very often penalize the populations benefiting from the various interventions.

After having followed with attention and interest the situation and the needs expressed by the government side, the UN delegation says it has been well informed, and is committed to being the voice of Burkina Faso on the international scene.

In addition, the United Nations system reassures the government that it will increase its interventions in Burkina Faso by bringing in more partners to have a more positive impact on the populations.

The UN representatives at this meeting congratulated the authorities of the country of honest men, for their multiple actions to resolve the crisis, in particular the initiative of the Patriotic Support Fund launched by the President of Faso Capta
in IbrahimTRAORE, to which the Burkinabè of the interior and the diaspora strongly adhered.

The two parties agreed to continue the permanent dialogue in order to strengthen their partnership, for more results for the benefit of the Burkinabè population.

Source: Burkina Information Agency