Mouhoun: The governor once again bans the transport of livestock and food in Nayala and Sourou

The governor of the Boucle du Mouhoun region, Babo Pierre Bassinga, extended on June 26, 2024, the decree suspending the transport of livestock and food from the provinces of Nayala and Sourou to other destinations.

This decree, of which the AIB had a copy, extending the ban on the transport of livestock and food from the provinces of Nayala and Sourou to other destinations signed on June 26, 2024.

Following the security situation experienced by the Boucle du Mouhoun region, particularly the provinces of Nayala and Sourou, an order was signed by the regional authority on February 27, 2023 suspending the transport of livestock and food from these provinces to other destinations.

In view of the security situation which still remains worrying in these provinces, the order has been extended several times.

This time, the extension covers the six-month period from July 1 to December 31, 2024.

According to the terms of the decree and in its article 2, stipulates that the high commissioners of the provinces of N
ayala and Sourou must with full responsibility and on a case by case basis, in conjunction with the competent technical services, study and decide on the necessity of evacuate livestock and food to marketing areas, with all the required security guarantees.

Also, this same article specifies that any violator of the provisions of the decree is liable to the seizure of the aforementioned goods for the benefit of the patriotic support fund, without prejudice to the criminal sanctions provided for by the texts in force.

Source: Burkina Information Agency