Mouhoun: Education stakeholders are combing through the results of the first quarter

Ouagadougou: The regional director of post -primary and secondary education (DREPS) of Boucle du Mouhoun, Dr Denis Vimboué , chaired on Thursday February 15, 2024 in Dédougou , the second management council under the school year 2023-2024. The educational review of the first term was one of the highlights of this council.

It was with a minute of silence in memory of Séni Diomavé Jean Calvin, Principal Education Advisor at the Lycée Privé Béthel de Dédougou , who died on Monday February 12, 2024 in Dédougou , that the Regional Director introduced the second council of management for the year 2023-2024.

The objective of this council was to take stock of the establishment of structures in establishments, back-to-school reports, examine the educational assessment of the first quarter and address preparations for end-of-year school exams.

By presenting the various reports, it emerges that in all of the six provincial directorates of post-primary and secondary education in the Boucle du Mouhoun region , almost a
ll of the different management and consultation structures in post-primary and secondary establishments primary and secondary are put in place.

The actors were encouraged to operate them according to the rules of the art.

For this school year, the Boucle du Mouhoun region has 167 public establishments including 94 post-primary and 73 secondary ; 161 private establishments of which 61 are approved.

The educational report for the first quarter shows that 1,636 classes are functional with an enrollment of 75,126 students with a success rate of 52.11%.

After analysis of this assessment, the factors which affect it are among others insecurity in certain localities with psychological impacts on students (stress, demotivation, etc.), absences of students during lessons, insufficient school textbooks in certain establishments, the failure to start the school canteen in the establishments.

For the various post-primary and secondary school exams, the region has provisionally registered 790 candidates for the BEP a
nd CAP and will have to compose in 04 juries and 02 secondary centers .

As for the BEPC, 15,973 candidates were able to submit their applications, an increase of 379 candidates compared to last season.

These candidates will compose in 64 juries and 77 secondary centers. For the baccalaureate, the statistics are not yet available in the sense that registrations end on February 15, 2024.

The Regional Director, Dr Denis Vimboué, congratulated the various stakeholders for the results obtained during the past quarter and urged them to be more committed for more convincing results in a context of resilience.

‘ The assessments that we have just examined highlight the efforts made by the various stakeholders for the proper functioning of our structures. I would like to emphasize the need for us to maintain the education system in our region, ‘ he said.

Mr. Vimboué invited them to take into account the aspects of strict respect for hierarchy in the processing of career files, the transmission within the prescribe
d deadlines of data and other expected reports, the banishment of any act of corruption, the escalation of time for supporting documents, proper budgeting of funds allocated to examinations in order to avoid repayments of high amounts.

He also took the opportunity to share with the members of the council the orientations received from the head of the ministry in charge of national education.

These guidelines invite those in charge to listen to those on the ground, to manage structures by encouraging everyone’s participation, to innovate while knowing how to take responsibility.

Source: Burkina Information Agency