Moratinos Highlights HM the King’s Leadership in Promoting Peace, Understanding and Mutual Respect

His Majesty King Mohammed VI promotes an “exemplary” policy of mutual respect and plays an “essential” role in promoting peace, moderation, understanding and reconciliation between different countries, said Moratinos in an interview with MAP, on the eve of the 9th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, to be held on November 22 and 23 in Fez.


“Morocco is a country at the crossroads where different cultures and influences have lived throughout its history,” added the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, noting that the Kingdom is and has always been a ”haven of peace and coexistence” under the ”leadership” of HM King Mohammed VI.


The visit of Pope Francis and his meeting with His Majesty the King have reaffirmed, even more, this understanding and willingness to dialogue, said the UN official, assuring that “it is not simply to promote tolerance to accept mutual respect, but to better understand each other, know each other better and work together for a better world.”


“Morocco implements these values in terms of religious respect. The Jewish community has gained recognition like no other Arab country,” said the former top Spanish diplomat.


Moreover, Moratinos said that His Majesty the King has kindly approved to hold this Forum in Fez, a city with a long tradition of respect and coexistence of religions, adding that “Fez, a dynamic city that has changed enormously, retains all this heritage and historical legacy that makes it a symbol of peace and tolerance, which guarantees the success of the forum.”


Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse