Minister Sorgho threatens to terminate the Dandé-Kourouma construction site contract

The Minister of Infrastructure and Opening Up, Adama Luc Sorgho, expressed his dissatisfaction following a surprise visit to the construction and asphalting site of the Dandé-Kourouma road, 30km long. .

‘This is not encouraging, the execution rate which is 7% against a time limit of 41% proves that the work is not progressing,’ declared the minister, offended Minister Adama Luc Sorgho.

‘We can almost say that the site is abandoned because no machinery has been observed on the site,’ he added.

In its defense, according to the minister, the company cites a safety problem that the minister says he is not aware of because the practice requires informing him in writing to report all the difficulties linked to the execution of the work.

The minister invited the service provider to notify him in writing of the difficulty in question so that he can contact the Defense and Security Forces to find a solution.

Otherwise, if the lines do not move, warned the Minister in charge of Infrastructure, Adama Luc Sorgho, th
e contract will be terminated at the next visit.

This contract, worth 8.092 billion FCFA, was awarded in 2022 to a group of three companies for a completion period of 15 months.

The award of the contract was initially attacked by a competing company before the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARCOP) before experiencing other administrative difficulties, which delayed its execution.

During his visit in December 2023, Minister Sorgho was already concerned about the delay on the site.

Source: Burkina Information Agency