Media: Bassirou Badini now represents Editions Sidwaya in the Northern region

The Secretary General of Editions Sidwaya, Noufo Enock Kindo, installed Friday, Bassirou Badini as Head of Northern Regional Service of Editions Sidwaya, noted the AIB.

The solemn handover ceremony took place within the confines of the Administrative Service where the Northern Regional Communication Directorate is housed and was attended by the Regional Director of Human Resources Abou Barro, the Editorial Director of Sidwaya Jean- Marie Toé, from Ouahigouya media men.

So after four years at the helm of the regional service of the newspaper for all Burkinabè, Fleur Birba handed over to Bassirou Badini who was appointed by decision of the General Director of Sidwaya on June 6, 2024.

‘In the name of the General Director of Editions Sidwaya (Assétou Badoh Guira), I install you as of today, June 28, 2024, Head of Northern Regional Service of Sidwaya’. It is through this established formula that Enock Kindo, Secretary General of Sidwaya, gave full power to Mr. Badini to act and defend the interests of the commo
n home in the Northern region.

After signing the various handover documents, Fleur Birba thanked her hierarchy for the support, supervision, understanding and accompaniment over the four years.

The new manager Bassirou Badini, after showing his gratitude to the hierarchy for the mission entrusted to him, said he was committed to meeting the communication challenges of Sidwaya with the support of all the actors of the press company .

The Secretary General, after thanking Fleur Birba for the sacrifices and work done, invited Bassirou Badini to be present on the ground, to work to further enhance the image of Sidwaya, to take initiatives to report the realities of the Northern region while supporting local authorities in this difficult context of security and humanitarian crisis.

Source: Burkina Information Agency