MACAM Tunis: more than 300 works at “Memory of Generations” exhibition

Over 300 works (paintings, sculptures, engravings) by 170 Tunisian visual artists from different generations as well as foreign artists whose creations are focused on Tunisia and the Tunisian identity are displayed at “Memory of Generations,” a permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MACAM Tunis). The event was opened by Minister of Cultural Affairs Hayet Guettat Germazi.

The exhibition saw the attendance of diplomats accredited to Tunisia, artists, men of culture and media people. Five Tunisian visual artists were honoured, namely painter Kaouther Jallezi Ben Ayed, photographer and artist Mohamed Hedi Ayeb, graphic artist Faouzia Hichri and painter Sadok Gmach- the pioneer of contemporary painting in Tunisia.

This permanent exhibition at this museum dedicated to various plastic and visual arts brings spotlight on collections covering the years spanning from 894 to 2004.

More collections bearing witness to various eras in the history of visual arts in Tunisia will be put
at display as the exhibition unfolds.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse