Local elections -North Bardo: Amenallah Djebali points out need to develop region’s tourist heritage

Candidate for the local elections representing the constituency of North Bardo Amenallah Djebali pointed out the need to develop the region’s tourist heritage, mainly the Bardo National Museum and the Beys’ palaces in Bardo.

He told the TAP that he undertook to enhance the cultural assets of the Bardo National Museum by providing complementary tourist services to ensure the development and diversity of tourist activities in the region.

He also promised to improve the living environment of local residents by reducing pollution and the uncontrolled dumping of waste.

The candidate said that he would focus efforts on revamping public gardens and green spaces.

Amenallah Djebali underlined the need to provide public facilities by modernising the region’s administrative, social and health services, such as upgrading the infrastructure of the municipal market and the local hospital.

On the sporting front, he stressed the need to improve services at the municipal swimming pool in Bardo, in order to meet the aspi
rations of the region’s residents, given the growing demand for swimming, but also to reserve a space for supervising pupils in order to protect them from all risks of deviation.

Amenallah is running alongside 5 other candidates out of a total of 32.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse