Léraba/Professional training: 33 young people receive their installation kits

The High Commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo, chaired this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the ceremony of handing over installation kits to 33 young people trained in restoration, welding, auto mechanics and electricity building.

In order to honor the will of the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo on the one hand, and of the first authorities of the rural commune of Niankorodougou, on the other hand, the Wahgnion gold operations (WGO) mining site) trained 33 young people from the locality in catering, welding, auto mechanics and building electricity.

Made up of 5 girls and 28 boys, those who chose auto mechanics did 6 months of on-the-job training and the other sectors did 3 months.

Their official end-of-training outing took place on Tuesday June 18, 2024, under the presidency of the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo, in the presence of the authorities of the rural communes of Niankorodougou and Dakoro.

According to the acting director general
of WGO, Doctor Eric Da, this is the first time to train young people from the said locality.

‘The objective of this gesture is to want to ensure the plan for the engagement of young people so that they can take charge of themselves,’ he indicated.

Equipped with complete installation kits in addition to a training certificate for each young person in their sector, they are committed to taking up the challenge of becoming leaders.

They thanked all the authorities as well as the first WGO managers who worked for them on these training courses.

The selection criterion for access to these training courses was to know how to read and write and the selection was made by the town halls of the rural commune of Niankorodougou and that of Dakoro with the support of the customary and religious authorities of the said localities.

The provincial director in charge of Youth in Léraba, Adama Konfé, hoped that the young people trained would make good use of the equipment given to them.

As for the general director of the
training center, Wolfgan Sanou, the center supports these young people for 6 months in their professional integration with the support of WGO, which has promised other training to come.

Source: Burkina Information Agency