Léraba/Accountability Day: Activities of Sindou town hall reviewed

The president of the special delegation of the commune of Sindou, Issiaka Yadia, presented on Friday July 26, 2024, the report on the activities carried out since he took office to his population. It was under the presidency of the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo.

It is within the framework of the implementation of the activities of the road map for municipal resilience and the plan to strengthen the capacity of Sindou town hall, that the special delegation in charge of current affairs organized the day of accountability for the benefit of its community.

The High Commissioner of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo, chaired this ceremony on Friday July 26, 2024.

The first of its kind in the locality, the ceremony was attended by, among others, Village Development Advisors (CVD), village chiefs, CSOs and customary and religious authorities.

The first authority of the province made a presentation on decentralization and the role that each actor must play in the local development process.

It i
s good to know that the special delegation team took the reins of Sindou town hall on June 16, 2022.

The President of the special delegation (PDS), Issiaka Yadia, presented the state of execution of activities in the field of school infrastructure, in the field of drinking water and sanitation works, in the field of professional training as well as the acquisition of supplies and equipment, monitoring of difficulties and prospects.

The day was a framework for consultation and direct exchanges between the population and members of the special Sindou delegation.

Representatives of civil society pledged to accompany and support the special delegation team in

pursuing its objective.

Source: Burkina Information Agency