Kourwéogo: Opinion leaders in the commune of Boussé questioned on mental health

Boussé, “ The union association for health and well-being” in Burkina Faso commemorated October 10, 2023 in Boussé, the international mental health day. The day was punctuated by a public conference and a radio broadcast on the fight against addictive substances (drugs), for the benefit of opinion leaders in the commune of Boussé.

“Mental health, a universal human right” is the theme chosen for the celebration of the 2023 edition of World Mental Health Day.

In Boussé, “The union for health and well-being” placed this commemoration under the seal of the prevention of addictive substances among young people aged 10 to 24, the major causes of mental illness.

This celebration was marked by a panel on the theme of the day and a radio program on the harm of psychoactive substances among young people.

This outing, the association aims, according to the organizers, to solicit the commitment of administrative and customary political leaders, in the fight against the consumption of negative substances.

It also helped to strengthen young people’s knowledge of the dangers of harmful products.

For the president of the association, Seydou Coulibaly, the consumption of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs constitutes a danger for young people in Burkina Faso.

The head of the association indicated that 80% of cannabis consumers are young people and mainly high school and students.

According to him, it is not uncommon to see in certain streets, coffee kiosks, or drinking establishments, students who indulge in the consumption of cigarettes, adulterated alcohol and other substances in the town of Boussé.

Mr. Coulibaly estimated that this situation requires community commitment, in order to protect young people from this scurge.

The president of the municipal youth council, Siméon Ilboudo, pleaded for the strengthening of the regulations in force concerning the proliferation of harmful substances, the promotion of initiatives to combat the addictive behavior of young people.

Mr. Ilboudo also urged the taking into account of strategies to combat drug consumption in municipal development plans.

The high commissioner of Kourwéogo province, Siaka Barro welcomed the initiative while calling on the association to maintain awareness activities beyond the day.

He invited those concerned to have good social behavior to assume their role as future responsible adults.

During the panel, Raymond Yenfoni on duty at the SP/CNLD spoke with the audience, made up of students and parents, on the harms of the consumption of psychotropic substances, for the individual, his family and his community.

These discussions allowed participants to discover the different means of combating the scurge.

Source: Burkina Information Agency