Kourweogo/Food self-sufficiency: French Secours populaire offers tractors worth 14 million CFA francs

The Secours populaire français (SPF) handed over, on Saturday May 18, 2024 in Laye, agricultural equipment worth 14 million CFA francs to the Peasant Association of Laye (APL) , in the presence of the administrative authorities of the Kourwéogo province.

Made up of two tractors and field development tools, this equipment, with an estimated value of 14 million CFA francs, was delivered on Saturday May 18, 2024 to Laye, by the Secours populaire français (SPF).

According to the representative of the SPF and native of the commune, Gaston Zongo, praised the government and its branches for facilitating the procedures.

He also thanked the National Society for Land Development and Rural Equipment (SONATER) and the administrative authorities of the province for their support in carrying out this project.

Gaston Zongo then explained that this donation of agricultural equipment is part of the implementation of another aid formula for the populations of Laye.

‘In addition to its interventions in the areas of health
and education, the support of French popular relief also consisted of providing food to vulnerable households in the locality,’ he said.

For the SPF representative, government initiatives to fight for food self-sufficiency by increasing local production offer the opportunity to redirect aid towards strengthening the productive capacity of actors in order to make them less dependent.

In this sense, Mr. Zongo mentioned that the association benefited from financial support amounting to one million CFA francs as working capital.

In addition to the two drivers already available, he indicated that two other tractor drivers will be trained in order to strengthen the operationality of the machines.

The High Commissioner of Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro, sent his congratulations to the members of the association for the acquisitions.

He pointed out that the equipment thus made available to them constitutes challenges that the APL must take up, that of profitability and that of the sustainability of the activity

Siaka Barro invited them to the proper use of these acquisitions and effective management of the resources that will be generated by the activity.

The sponsor of the ceremony, the chief of Laye, Naaba Yilgha, thanked all the actors for the actions undertaken in favor of the well-being of the populations.

He invited the daughters and sons of Laye to understanding and commitment to the social and economic development of the commune.

The president of the Laye Peasant Association, Lucien Zongo, said that his Association is made up of groups of producers, both women and men from different villages and neighborhoods in the commune.

The operating plan for the machines takes into account, he said, certainly the interest of the members of the association and the profitability of the investment, it mainly aims to achieve the primary objective in the short term. of the project which is to contribute to the increase in household agricultural production.

Source: Burkina Information Agency