Kourittenga: Women’s savings groups mobilize 750 million FCFA

The NGO Plan International Burkina Faso, Center-East office based in Koupéla, organized on Saturday May 18, 2024 in Zaogo, in the commune of Koupèla, a provincial fair of women’s savings groups from Kourittenga, under the theme : ‘Empowerment of women through the promotion of savings groups: challenges and perspectives’. It was under the sponsorship of the wife of His Majesty Naaba Yemdé le Kourit-Yir-Soaba and the presidency of the secretary general of the province of Kourittenga, Moctar Ilboudo.

Since the introduction of the savings group approach in the province in 2012, 1,358 savings groups have been created, with 24,527 members.

According to the Director of Plan International for the Center-East region, Mohamet Ouédraogo, the provincial fair of savings groups aims to allow women to come together in a framework of solidarity, not only to save, but also to access credits.

‘This system allows members to have safe ways to take care of themselves. This fully contributes to their empowerment through income-
generating activities,’ he reassured.

Adèle Tirogo, weaver and member of the Teg-Wendé group from the village of Gampougdo, spoke about the benefits of this initiative.

‘In my first year of joining the savings group, I was able to buy some materials for my business and a door for my house. Subsequently, thanks to savings, I now have my own weaving business where I train more than ten people. I also manage to help my husband manage certain situations, notably our children’s education and their health,’ she said.

The secretary general of Kourittenga province, Moctar Ilboudo, welcomed Plan International’s initiative, while urging members of these savings groups to be more involved.

‘With an estimate of more than 700 million CFA francs in cumulative savings, we have noted that these savings groups succeed in collecting and mobilizing local savings. We see these groups as channels for promoting peace and social cohesion,’ said Mr. Ilboudo.

He urged members of these groups to be more engaged in order to addres
s development challenges at the grassroots.

For him, thanks to these savings groups, more than 700 million CFA francs are mobilized each year, a result considered satisfactory.

‘Per year, we can achieve cumulative savings of nearly 750 million. Considering this monetary mass that these savings and credit groups inject into the financial system, we have the ambition to organize them into a network so that in the future, they can become decentralized financial systems,’ added the secretary. general.

The fair was enlivened by various activities, including a women’s cycle race, a donkey race, traditional dance and a savings group parade.

Source: Burkina Information Agency