Kourittenga: The ‘Sahel Peace Initiative’ project advocates peace and social cohesion in schools

The diocesan justice and peace commission through the ‘Sahel Peace Initiative’ project, held a conference on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupéla, in order to create a framework for fraternization and mutual acceptance between the students. The ceremony was chaired by the High Commissioner of Kourittenga, Aissata Angélina Traoré.

Placed on the theme: ‘strengthening peace and social cohesion in schools in the diocese of Koupéla through the promotion of non-violent communication and the culture of citizenship’, the conference took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 at Koupela.

Organized by the diocesan justice and peace commission, the event took place in the presence of active forces and students from different establishments and parents.

Contributing to strengthening peace, social cohesion and living together through the promotion of non-violent communication in schools is the objective of the conference updated by the Koupéla diocesan justice and peace commission to strengthen skills.

‘This initiative aims to cr
eate a world of peace, given the socio-cultural context of our country, but starting with the first actors who are young people and in particular schoolchildren. I would say that it is a project where we come to sow the seed of justice, peace, social cohesion and non-violence,’ indicated the chaplain of high schools and colleges and youth of the diocese of Koupéla. , Abbot Emile Sawadogo.

According to Hatifatou Kouraogo, a second ‘A’ student at the Wend-Yam private high school in Koupéla, this conference raised awareness and what could bring a positive change in the behavior of communities to the happiness of everyone.

‘Promoting good citizenship in the school environment allowed me to know how to behave with my classmates to avoid offending them through my actions or comments and to cultivate good citizenship in my life,’ she added.

The diocesan president of youth, also headmaster of the Wend-Yam private high school in Koupéla, Simon Narcisse Tougma, was delighted with the holding of this edition which br
ought together students from different establishments so that they understand the need to cultivate peace and social cohesion between them.

‘We welcomed it with joy because there are several establishments which have mobilized around this activity. I think this will have a positive impact because these are students who communicated and put on theatrical plays. Which will help change their behavior in terms of communication,’ he declared.

The president of the Koupéla diocesan lay council, Désiré Marie Noel Lofo, appreciated the parents’ commitment to this initiative and encouraged the students to continue in the same dynamic.

‘Students from different establishments came to attend this conference. In these times, it is social cohesion that is very lacking in our families, I ask everyone to use good language in their environment to avoid quarrels,’ he maintained.

The High Commissioner of the Kourittenga province, Aïssata Angelina Traoré, thanked the initiators because according to her, this will create a fee
ling of acceptance between the students themselves and towards others.

She also invited parents to become more involved in the education of their children for a better future.

This initiative, through its program of activities, is to broaden the framework for the promotion of peace, living together, social cohesion through schools which are seen as first actors in the process of seeking the peace.

Source: Burkina Information Agency