Kourittenga: Promotion outing of 27 learners in sewing and hairdressing

27 learners including 19 students from the 11th promotion in sewing and 08 from the 1st promotion in hairdressing from the Notre Dame des GrSces ‘Arts et Métiers’ professional training center, went on Saturday May 25, 2024 to Koupela. The ceremony took place in the presence of administrative authorities, religious authorities, parents, friends and students of the center.

There are a total of 27 learners who are at the end of their apprenticeship cycle at the Notre Dame des GrSces ‘Arts et Métiers’ Vocational Training Center, including 19 students in sewing and 8 in hairdressing.

The ceremony took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupéla.

The director of the Center, Sister Marie Dieudonné Ouédraogo, was delighted with the bravery and will of the learners.

According to her, she was in front of women and girls who are full of talent.

‘It’s a feeling of joy and satisfaction that drives me. The girls surprised me very pleasantly with their creation. Their creativity was enormous. Frankly, I remain speechless
for their surprises. And I am proud. The training has achieved the objectives and they are ready for the field,’ she said.

According to Sister Marie Dieudonné Ouédraogo, those who are in the passing class, the level is there, they have understood that they must play their part.

‘Many parents were able to follow up. They stopped by from time to time to see the progress of their daughters and this encouraged and galvanized us. We understood that parents partnered with us for the education of their children, and for that, we gave the best of ourselves,’ explained the director.

The learners thanked everyone who worked for their well-being during their learning time.

For Jacqueline Tougma, at the end of her sewing cutting training, ‘I have just finished my sewing cutting training. I thank my supervisors for everything they have done for us. And from here, I plan to open my own workshop.

The parents of the students did not regret having enrolled their daughters in this center because given the hairstyle and se
wing models created by them, they are convinced that they are well supervised to integrate into life professional.

The President of the center’s parents, Charles Désiré Pouya, said that it is impeccable work, whether in sewing or hairdressing, from the 1st year, everyone manages to do their hair or braid their head. a client.

‘In terms of tailoring, each learner manages to cut and dress themselves. In all sincerity, it is professional work that is being done. When I take up sewing, They are called to integrate into society,’ he added. The President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Koupéla, also godmother, Alice Belemviré/Nikiéma, said that one of the reasons for the existence of this center is to work to bring smiles back to young girls and local women while teaching them to carry out an activity.

According to him, they work to build customer loyalty by respecting appointments, as well as with hairdressing.

‘A manual worker who cannot keep appointments calls into question his training of
several years,’ continued Charles Désiré Pouya.

‘Our girls are no longer left to their own devices. They have what they need to learn to meet their needs and be independent and full women. We are happy about it. I invite them to remain persistent and put into practice all the advice they have received,’ noted the PDS.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Koupéla, Monseigneur Gabriel Sayaogo, invited the laureates to apply what they have learned as soon as possible.

‘We witnessed what they were able to do over the course of a year. I would like to thank them for the beautiful hairstyles we saw. I only hope that those in the 3rd year have the chance to be integrated into working life. We are meeting for those of the 2nd and 1st year at the next school year in order to continue what we started together. May the Lord give peace to Burkina Faso,’ wished Monsignor Gabriel Sayaogo.

The three best students in each class were rewarded.

Those in the 3rd year in sewing and the 2nd year in hairdressing who are at the end
of their training, each received a certificate and a kit.

Burkina Faso Information Agency



205993~2: Jacqueline Tougma at the end of her training in sewing cutting

20BF58~1: Photo of presentation of certificates to sewing learners who are at the end of their apprenticeship by the Provincial Director of Culture and Art of the province of Kouritenga, Amédée Wend-La-Sida Silga

2030E5~1: Family photo of the authorities with the hairdressers at the end of the course

20D16E~1: Photo of the parade of girls from the second year in hairdressing at the end of the course

20C597~1: Photo of the guests

Source: Burkina Information Agency