Kourittenga/Dedication: ‘The triumph of life’, a book that allows you to overcome life’s obstacles

Bernard Nadembèga dedicated on Saturday May 25, 2024 to Koupèla, his first book entitled ‘The triumph of life’, which allows one to overcome life’s obstacles. The ceremony was chaired by the secretary general from the province of Kourittenga, Moctar Ilboudo.

‘The Triumph of Life’, the first novel by Bernard Nadembèga, was signed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupèla.

According to Mr. Nadembèga, the passion for writing a book has been with him since high school.

‘I got into the habit of reading and searching. This is where I read a book by Adama Siguiré which inspired me a lot. And that’s where I got started, hence the appearance of this new work,’ he said.

Coming from a polygamous family, Bernard Nadembèga tells his life story while pretending to be Rayangnéwendé, the main character cited in his work.

Having managed to get through difficult times, he uses his pen to encourage everyone not to give up.

‘The field of literature is not that easy. So I urge writers and readers to maintain courage and hold on t
o persevere,’ explained Bernard Nadembèga.

The literary godfather, Lucien Noba, was delighted with the choice of his person.

For him, the work contains advice that encourages everyone.

‘The content of the work is edifying. The book tells the story of Rayangnéwendé, the main character who, despite life’s obstacles, was able to overcome. This beautiful example should inspire us all and lead us to know that not everything is won easily. Everyone must fight to get out. Actions of this magnitude which raise awareness among the population deserve encouragement,’ he added.

It is in this sense that the representative of the sponsors, Wendpouita Noel Béré, sent his congratulations to the author of the work and wished him good luck

‘What we saw during the dedication ceremony was very impressive. I can only encourage him on behalf of the sponsors. Our prayer is that he continues with this passion and determination. The sponsors promised to respond to his next call,’ he said.

According to him, this book will contri
bute to the bibliography of the locality.

‘We have seen in the light of the extracts from the work that have been read and also from literary criticism that it is a beautiful literary work. This work will not only have a positive impact on young people in their resilience, in their self-confidence,’ continued Wendpouita Noel Béré.

The representative of the sponsors also added that the work is a production which will contribute to the bibliography and at the same time grow the circle of writers in our province. What is produced in this book is beautifully crafted.

‘It’s really a book that we want to recommend to the youth of our province and to the youth of our country,’ he said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency