Kourittenga: 18 new traditional chiefs crowned

His Majesty Naaba Yemdé the Kourit-Yir-Soaba, crowned, on Saturday May 25, 2024, 18 new customary chiefs, in the royal court of Koupèla. The ceremony was attended by the populations of their respective jurisdictions.

The royal court of Koupéla refused people, on Saturday May 25, 2024, for the ceremony initiated for around thirty suitors from various localities, in search of the ‘ancestral cap’.

The afternoon was devoted to rituals to distinguish the people among the thirty who will have the privilege of accessing the circle of customary chiefdom.

At the end of various procedures for the distinction, 18 contenders officially benefited from the privilege of traditional leader.

According to Napam-boum Naaba, one of His Majesty’s ministers, this initiative aims to find in each locality a competent guarantor in the service of customary chiefdom.

‘You know that one finger does not pick up the flour. It is by being united that we can achieve our goals. We are all satisfied with this initiative, because a villag
e without a leader can fall into disorder, which can harm the development of the community,’ he said.

Especially in this period of great concern, added Napam-boum Naaba, leaders play a crucial role in calming certain situations in the respective localities.

‘Now, several villages that did not have traditional leaders now have them,’ he said.

For him, each new leader knows his responsibilities and must fully play his role to achieve the set objectives.

‘Before benefiting from this privilege, each of them was accompanied by elders and young people from their locality to come and greet His Majesty. This shows that they are already aware of the tasks reserved for them,’ suggested His Majesty’s Minister.

According to him, the power they received does not mean that they are above their community, but that they must commit to serving the population to better manage and contribute to the development of their locality to the happiness of the communities. . They are there to mediate on certain situations at their
level without the intervention of His Majesty Naaba Yemdé.

Napam-boum Naaba also encouraged competitors who have not had the privilege to collaborate with new ones for effective management of their respective localities.

‘I invite the competitors, once back home, to collaborate with the new leaders and support them in the management of their community,’ he added.

The new leaders are called upon to work in close collaboration with the communities for the harmonious development of the localities.

The appointment is therefore given for next year.

Source: Burkina Information Agency