Kénédougou/Oratory art: Eloquence in schools magnified.

The final of the 3rd edition of the school oratory competition took place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 in Orodara. The initiative is from the Network of Young Pioneers and Entrepreneurs (RAJEPE).

At the end of this final, the Municipal High School occupies first place followed by the Diongolo Traoré Provincial High School of Orodara.

Five (05) schools from the city of Orodara took part in the public speaking competition. The final which took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Orodara, pitted the Diongolo Traoré provincial high school against the Orodara municipal high school, which occupied first place.

According to the president of the Network of Young Pioneers and Entrepreneurs (RAJEPE), Loé Fousséni Barro, this competition was born from an observation that there is a difference between having diplomas and having knowledge but also and above all knowing the transmit according to the circumstances .

The representative of the sponsors and the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira, tha
nked the organizing committee for the initiative.

The different winners each received prizes in kind and in cash by the organizing committee.

As a reminder, the main objective of this competition is to encourage and raise awareness among young people with a view to their participation in political governance through training in intellectual and ideological development.

Source: Burkina Information Agency