Kasserine: Large-scale acts of vandalism on railway line 6

The governor of Kasserine, Ridha Rokbani, deplored the large-scale acts of vandalism carried out recently on the railway line 6 linking Talabat to Feriana.

Speaking to TAP on Friday, he said that «the perpetrators of these crimes will be be soon identified and will be prosecuted.»

He indicated that a project to rehabilitate railways in the governorate of Kasserine is being carried out, the first stage of which concerns the reactivation of lines 6 and 11 linking Kasserine and Sousse, as well as line 15 ensuring the connection between Kasserine, Majel Bel Abbès and Gafsa.

The local governor went to the scene of the the scene of the events, at the section linking KalaSt Khasba and Kasserine, which extends over a distance of 85 km.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse